Episode 162,MT28: Well Will Dam The Well – April 12th, 2022
The cursed ones crank up the crazy as things get weird!
The cursed ones crank up the crazy as things get weird!
The Cursed ones learn more about the past.
The cursed ones find themselves stuck in a memory that suddenly has giant problems. Though not sure of reality they quickly learn the pain is real.
The Cursed one finally think of a bunch of Questions to ask Ol Bones.
So you met a Hydra and lived to tell them tale….or did you?
The cursed ones follow a fleeing undead. What they find will surprise you….and them.
So about that Bag of Weasels…….
The dust settles after the orc raid on Kahlstown.
The cursed ones deal with a threat to Kahlstown
The cursed ones encounter some terrifying Gnolls determined to bring about an untimely end to our story.